High-level analysis of the integration of Waste to Energy with CCS/CCU

This webinar will look at the recent IEAGHG study on CCS on Waste to Energy (WtE). CCS and CCU technologies in WtE plants might have a significant impact on the whole waste industry and global climate commitments. The objective of the study was to understand some of the issues pertaining to this CCS/CCU opportunity and analyse these at national level. The presenters will discuss:
- Lifecycle assessment of CO2 savings in WtE plant
- Overview of projects aimed at integrating carbon capture with WtE
- Challenges and opportunities in CCS/CCU integration with WtE
- Evaluation of potential for applying carbon capture to WtE in different geographical contexts
Vincenzo Tota, Process Manager (Wood, Italy)
Federico Viganò, Assistant Professor (LEAP)
Mónica García, Senior Technology Analyst (IEAGHG) (Facilitator)