Technology Insight 1: Bridging the gap between lab and large-scale pilot trials

The first Technology Insight from the NEWEST-CCUS project, published today, takes a look at the state-of-the-art research facilities at the University of Sheffield, which will be used to evaluate different fuels and carbon capture solvents for the waste-to-energy sector.
The bulletin, the first of a series from the project, is written by Dr Muhammad Akram, theme manager at the Translational Energy Research Centre, who describes the facilities to be used and the research that will be conducted within Work Package 4: Retrofit solutions with post-combustion capture with solvents.
The University of Sheffield is home to the UK’s national R&D facilities for carbon capture research – the Pilot-scale Advanced CO2 Capture Technology (PACT) facilities – which form part of the Carbon Capture International Test Centre Network and the European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure (ECCSEL).
The university will also access a broader range of facilities as part of the new ERDF-funded Translational Energy Research Centre.