The University of Stuttgart
The University of Stuttgart (USTUTT) is one of the leading nine technical universities in Germany (TU9), with highly ranked programs in civil, mechanical, industrial and electrical engineering. The Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology (IFK) at USTUTT has been dealing with conventional energy issues for more than 50 years and has considerable experience in the thermal utilisation of gaseous and solid fuels such as coals, biomasses and solid recovered fuels, having worked on numerous national and European oxy-CFBC research projects (ADECOS-ZWSF [BMWi – COORETEC], RECAL [EU-RFCS]), calcium looping projects (CATS [industrial: EnBW], FLEXICAL [EU-RFCS], CEMCAP [Horizon2020]) and oxy-fuel combustion projects (Relcom, OxyBURNER, OXYMOD). USTUTT brings this experience to the NEWEST-CCUS project, providing a 200 kW fluidised bed pilot plant rig facility to demonstrate CO2 capture technology.