Webinar on CCS on Waste-to-Energy: results and the experiences from Fortum Oslo Varme’s pilot plant

Fortum Oslo Varme (FOV) invites you to a webinar to share our experiences and results from FOV's carbon capture pilot plant tested at flue gas from our Waste-to-Energy plant at Klemetsrud in Oslo.
Time: May 14th 2020, 09:00 – 11:00
We originally planned to invite you to us in Oslo in order to communicate more personally and to give you the option of a site tour in addition, but due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, we have changed the venue to an online stage.
We enjoyed several important breakthroughs in our CCS project in 2019. Now we want to share our experiences and results from the 9 months of pilot plant operation with amine post-combustion capture technology with the rest of the Waste to Energy-family and CCS partners.
We would like to share our very encouraging results in order to stimulate dialogue, discussions and cooperation for future CCS development and innovation.
Sign up for the webinar before May 11th by sending an email to Jorgen.thomassen@fortum.com. Please include the names of participants, position and firm and mark the subject field Webinar - Carbon Capture Pilot Plant Results and Experience. Invitations will be distributed after the sign-up deadline.