TNO built its unique mobile CO2 Capture Miniplant, below, at its Delft research facility several years ago to conduct onsite testing of post-combustion carbon capture from different types of industrial flue gases. To date, the Miniplant has conducted more than 10,000 hours of capture operations. It has been so successful that a second mobile Miniplant has now been built, which complies with ATEX regulations on explosion safety.
WP2 Results
Technology Insight 3 - SINTEF Energy Research's oxy-fuel combustion research facilities used in NEWEST-CCUS
The thermal engineering laboratories at SINTEF Energy Research are Norway’s leading laboratories in the field of combustion, refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump, low-temperature and bio processes, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and processing. The Bioenergy Laboratories support research and development related to thermochemical conversion of biomass, waste and by-product into renewable energy, biofuels, and carbon carriers. As part of SINTEF Energy Research's focus on CCS, oxy-fuel combustion has been studied for more than 20 years with particular attention to experimental activities, where permanent infrastructures which form part of the European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure (ECCSEL) have been built. The NEWEST-CCUS project is at the crossing of bioenergy and CCS and therefore combines expertise and infrastructure developed in parallel.

Technology Insight 2 - IFK’s oxy-fuel fluidised bed research facilities at the University of Stuttgart
At The University of Stuttgart a range of experimental facilities are available for multiple process investigations, from small laboratory up to pilot scale. In NEWEST-CCUS, pre-tests will be carried out at USTUTT’s 20 kWth electrically heated bubbling fluidised bed (BFB) facility. The main industrial validation experiments will use the 200 kWth pilot scale test rig for circulating fluidised bed (CFB) oxy-fuel combustion.

Technology Insight 1 - University of Sheffield PACT facilities
Bridging the gap between bench-scale R&D and large-scale industrial pilot trials.
The University of Sheffield houses the UK’s national research and development facilities for combustion and carbon capture research – the Pilot-scale Advanced CO2 Capture Technology (PACT) facilities – which form part of the Carbon Capture International Test Centre Network and the European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure (ECCSEL).